Trust Fund

Trust Fund

The objective of the Multi-Donor Trust Fund is to support activities that deepen the regional integration of the countries of the Horn of Africa. The activities to be financed by the Trust Fund are undertaken within the context of the HoA priority projects. The current scope of the HoA priority projetcs is described by the following four pillars:

Pillar 1

An Interconnected Horn will implement cross-border regional infrastructure projects across a spectrum of thematic areas such as economic transport corridors, energy, and digital among others, and address policy and regulatory aspects of developing regional markets.

Pillar 2

More Trade, More Growth, More Jobs will focus on trade and economic integration covering trade facilitation, regional value chains, and improvements in the investment climate. Activities supported under this pillar could include topics such as logistics, behind-the-border regulatory convergence, trade strategy and negotiations, and planning and facilitation of cross-border infrastructure, particularly in the areas of urban infrastructure, transport, trade facilitation, and private sector development.

Pillar 3

A Resilient Horn will focus on building resilience to climatic shocks, e.g. recurrent droughts I floods, the current locust crisis, and conflict and displacement. Activities supported could include implementing effective mitigation practices and adaptation mechanisms such as innovative financing instruments ranging from insurance schemes to concessional financing for climate- or refugee-related interventions.

Pillar 4

A Skilled Horn will focus on human capital development to find regional solutions to improve human capital and service delivery in view of the current global health pandemic and its potential long-term impacts. Activities support under this pillar could include strengthening regional epidemic preparedness and response systems, developing platforms for addressing skills development of youth, and setting up interoperable ID systems to allow improved targeting of safety net programs.